GSB S3 All-Star Weekend (Recap)

by WeRBadGamers

What an incredible weekend! Did you miss it? Of course not… But, here’s a recap in case you live under a rock. 

The GSB Season 3 All Star-Weekend went off without a hitch, culminating with a phenomenal, dazzling, and high-octane game between Team Ingram and Team Goshay. Both teams boasted impressive rosters filled with the League’s brightest and best faces. 

But, first things first, let’s start off with Friday where the mighty chosen All-Stars and ASW Contestants were wine and dined in one of Lexington’s finest eateries for a scrumptious brunch; this meal came with a long history lesson of Lexington’s wonderful past.

In fact, for the history buffs, the first battle of the American Revolution took place in Lexington on April 19, 1775. The township has long been coined as, "The Birthplace of American Liberty.”

After brunch the group enjoyed an hour-long luxury coach ride to Louisville, giving them ample time to take in the beautiful charm of the Kentucky countryside or take a quick nap like Dan Glisack did. Yes, he wore his shimmering gold sleeping mask. Who would have thought?

Once in The 'Ville the stars were woken up with a private horseback riding adventure at Churchill Downs. Yes, the famous location of the Kentucky Derby. Kobe Johnson, the Hometown Hero, and former Reserve standout, Tavian Tyree, won the challenge for a bottle of prized top-shelf Kentucky bourbon on the track. Oh goodness, the stuff was smooth like velvet. 

Greg Lake came in 3rd, but claimed, “I could have been #1 if I had wanted to be.” 

And, of course the spectacular day could not end without a bourbon tasting. Jason Peace, the double double machine, 3-point specialist and whiskey connoisseur gave everyone tips on how to properly savor from a Glencairn. First, take in that sweet aroma, small slow sips, swish it around your mouth to open your palette… Then down it a college frat kid on Friday night. 

Also, Tim Riggins may or may not have snuck away with a private barrel of his own from the collection room. Okay, it has been confirmed that Tim Riggins did sneak away with a large cask of whiskey.

Saturday we kicked off the excitement with the 3-Point Champion Contest. We saw a dozen contestants compete, but it came down to Tez Green and the late game add Scottie B. Peepin. The two duked it out as if their lives depended on it.

3-Point Champion Contestants

Group A:

  • Rae'Sean Carter - Portland Pioneers 
  • Scottie B Peepin - Kentucky Reserve - Finalist
  • Ethan Lederman - San Antonio Stampede - Finalist 
  • Jon Fowler - Albuquerque Martians 
  • Greg Lake - Atlantic City Sea Dogs - Finalist 
  • Devonte Moore - San Antonio Stampede 

Group B:

  • Justin Banks - Albuquerque Martians 
  • Klank Thompson - Oakland Otters 
  • Tez Green - San Antonio Stampede - Finalist
  • Damien Chambers - Michigan Killer Beez - Finalist
  • Kobe Johnson - Kentucky Reserve 
  • Perry Pinkard - Dallas Flying Stallions - Finalist

Tez Green took home the 3-Point crown with an impressive showing in a sudden death round where he made almost double what Peepin made. That’s called giving it all when it counts. 

Dunk Contest

On to the dunk contest. Which at first started out slow; the judges were left a bit mystified on if anyone really wanted to win. The dunks in the beginning, to say the least, were not the most impressive. Shawn Self, the reigning champ, and Bobby Bricks saw themselves move onwards to the Finals.

The 2nd group of contestants was a bit more emphatic. Hoe Jarris trolled the crowd in the way only he could. Thomas LeClaire showed off his incredible verticality and aggressiveness. Kameron Best pulled out a flashy dunk for the ages… and then did the same dunk again for his 2nd dunk which did him in with the judges costing him a crown. 

Then in the Final Round, things got heated. Bobby Bricks won himself the dunk contest on a crazy 360-Windmill Honey Dip where he suspended himself on the rim with a slither of his elbow. He received perfect 10’s across the board from each judge. He also probably broke his arm in 6 different places. He held up the Dunk Champion Contest Trophy with his opposite unbroken arm of course.  

The All-Star Game was as advertised. The stars made it rain like a sweltering Miami summer night. We saw 3-pointer after 3-pointer as if the 3-point champion contest was still going on. Seriously, no one could miss. 

Team Ingram:

Starters Lineup:

  • G: Al Ingram - Captain
  • G: Kanin Able
  • G/F: Tim Riggins
  • F: Jason Peace
  • C: Greg Powers


  • G: Javier Munoz
  • G/F: Anthony Stank
  • F: Quan Wulong-Chi
  • F/C: Tavian Tyree
  • C: Dan Glisack

Team Goshay:

Starting Lineup:

  • G: Ant Thomas
  • G: Brendan Goshay - Captain
  • F: Josh Young 2.0
  • F: Jus Blaze
  • C: Jamal Davis


  • G: Aldo Huxley
  • G: Dior Island
  • F: Jack Lawson
  • F: Biff Marcum
  • C: Bo Mambo

We witnessed some breathtaking back and forth matchups as Josh Young 2.0 started out the game as hot as anybody, putting on a show for the home crowd. This angered the 3x All-Star Tim Riggins who then countered with some getbacks of his own.

Then… Tavian Tyree got a basket to go and we were off to the races. He found himself with 17 points in the 1st half alone. Everyone started making shots as the floodgates opened.   

Would anyone play defense? Yes, Biff Marcum came in and got 2 LOUD monster blocks back to back, as it became evident that Team Goshay had a interior defense advantage. Jamal Davis and Mo Bambo made sure to mimic Biff down the stretch with impressive post defense play. 

The only issue is that Team Ingram didn’t attack the paint nearly as much as anticipated, as Jason Peace came back in and got a 4 for 4 and I'm not talking about Wendy's

Still, the game became neck and neck with neither team really being able to outdo the other. Until, Javier Munoz caught fire. He had started off the night slow point wise, but not in the assist category. Then the points came which made a world of a difference.

Team Ingram reigned victorious over Team Goshay to the tune of 134 to 122. 

Both teams benefited from some impressive performances. Team Goshay saw Ant Thomas finish with a sneaky 24 points and 7 assists. Both Josh Young 2.0 and Dior Island took home 18 points and Goshay himself got 17 points while going 8 of 10 from the field. 

On the flip side, Tavian Tyree finished the game with 23 points, alternating with Jason Peace who ate up 22 points himself. Anthony Stank got 16 points and 7 assists and Ingram also 7 assists with 13 points.  

But, it was Javier Munoz who took home the All-Star Game MVP with a double-double on 16 points and 11 assists while being responsible for 43 points. To go along with a +18 on his +/-.

This All-Star Game was a gem and will be a classic years from now. 

The All-Stars and ASW Contestants finished the weekend on Sunday with a spectacular driving and walking tour of Frankfort, the Kentucky state capital. Followed by a return to Louisville and a dénouement dinner with several other prominent members of the GSB community and various sponsors. With Jack Harlow making a guest appearance.