S2 Hot Takes Revisited

by Daniel Jarris

As season 3 draws near and we look for more hot takes for the coming season, it’s time to revisit the hot takes made by the media team prior to season 2. Credit goes to JT for assembling these hot takes for us.

Completely Wrong

  • Portland Pioneers will go undefeated 

    • Pioneers went 9-5 before losing in the finals. A successful season but not an undefeated season

  • Che’rry Je’llo all GSB 1st team

    • Je’llo earned a surprise All-Star selection but did not end up on any All-GSB team, let alone 1st team

  • Love Lockdown ROY

    • Love Lockdown wasn’t even a finalist for ROY and was actually the statistically worst player in GSB in season 2. Maybe a Most Improved Player award is in Love’s future?

  • Tim Riggins fired before game week 5

    • Riggins managed to survive the whole season before stepping down as Michigan Head Coach, and is now with the Constellation.

  • Ohio dead last

    • Ohio had a good season despite missing out on the playoffs barely. Far from the worst team in the league.

  • Heinkel demands a trade

    • The Amish Bomber probably didn’t live up to expectations, but at least he didn’t request a trade.

  • Jon Fowler of the Albuquerque Martians will be traded.

    • There were some behind the scene issues with Fowler but he ended the season on the Martians roster.

  • 3 teams that made the playoffs last season will miss this season.

    • The Riders were the only team to not make the playoffs in S2 after doing so in S1, being replaced by the Memphis Blues.

  • Exactly one expansion team makes it to the playoffs

    • Exactly zero expansion teams made it to the playoffs.

  • The team with the worst record will NOT be an expansion team.

    • 3 of the 4 worst records in S2 belonged to expansion teams.

  • New York will go downhill from here and be one of the worst franchises for years to come

    • Probably a disappointing season for New York but we have not seen anything yet to suggest they’re one of the worst franchises.

  • Bismack scores 35 points on Greg Lake and earns the highest IP bonus ever seen in sim league history.

    • He did not.

  • Tolany will lead his team to a quarter final exit and become the next Doc Rivers

    • Portland made it to the finals but ended up losing. No thanks to Tolany who ghosted half way through the season.

  • Memphis will win the league

    • Despite looking like the best team through most of the season, Memphis was swept in the first round and have since been rebranded and moved to Atlantic City.

  • A rookie wins 6MOTY

    • Devan Davis, not a rookie, won 6MOTY

  • Vice City loses in the 2nd round

    • Vice City was swept in the 1st round by Michigan.

  • None of the expansion teams will make the playoffs

    • None of the expansion teams had a winning record. That usually doesn’t get you into the playoffs unless you’re the New York Skyliners.

  • One of the teams that missed the playoffs in Season 1 will make it to the championship game

    • Oakland and Portland both made the playoffs in S1.

  • Che'rry Je'llo will be the MVP

    • Je’llo didn’t come close to sniffing the MVP award.

  • Buffalo Tech will go back to back in the prospect league

    • Buffalo Tech returned to the Prospect League finals, but lost the championship to the Tulsa A&M Wolf Pups.

  • Brent Lane falls to the second round of the S3 draft

    • It’s the Martians, do they really count? No one else would’ve drafted Lane in the 1st.

Somewhat Correct/Close

  • Greg Lake will average less than 10ppg

    • Greg Lake had a down year by his standards, only averaging 11.5 points between the NOLA Riders and Michigan Killer Beez. Not quite below 10ppg however.

  • Kam Melo demands a trade after the Reserve starts the season 1-7

    • Melo did demand a trade around the deadline but Reserve weren’t quite as bad as 1-7.

  • New York doesn’t win the division and is eliminated in the first round as a wild card team. 

    • New York was technically a division winner but wouldn’t have made the playoffs on record alone. They were however swept in the first round by Portland.

  • There will be four new teams in the semi finals.

    • The reigning champions (Vice City) and New York were replaced by Seattle and Oakland in the semi-finals. Portland and Michigan returned to the semis.

  • Al Padraza will still under perform.

    • Padraza had a good season but probably didn’t reach the heights of S1.


  • 0% chance Baltimore beats Memphis

    • Did anyone really expect them to?

  • No expansion team will make the playoffs

    • The 4 expansion teams combined for 12 wins total.

  • Leroy Lock will take a major step back in every category

    • Leroy Lock’s poor performances resulted in him being catapulted out of the league.

  • Greg Lake demands a trade

    • Lake was traded to Michigan in a blockbuster trade deadline deal.

  • No expansion team wins more than 6 games.

    • This wasn’t exactly a brave hot take, but Boston was the winningest expansion team with 5 wins.

  • A 2nd rounder wins ROTY

    • Dior Island was the league’s top scorer and Rookie of the Year, and an absolute bargain as San Antonio drafted him with the 9th pick of the 2nd round of the S2 draft.
